TA24-Stereotactic Radiosurgery using the Leksell Gamma Knife standard


Theodore Thorson, Ph.D.

Elekta Inc.


The use of stereotactic principles to achieve high levels of precision for brain surgery was first proposed by Professor Lars Leksell, at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, in 1948.  The first systems to utilize radiation for radiosurgery involved the use of kilovoltage X-ray sources and were quite primative.  However, the first successful use of precision, highly focused radiation beams was accomplished with the development of the first prototype Gammaknife system installed at the Karolinska in 1968.


Since the introduction of the Leksell Gamma Knife, it has become a standard neurosurgical tool for the treatment of a wide range of cranial disease with over 200 systems in operation around the world.  This presentation will discuss fundamental concepts in stereotactic radiosurgery, review key technical and operational details and highlight evolving new applications for this high precision methodology.





Theodore Thorson, Ph.D

Elekta Inc


Lars LeksellKarolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden教授于1948年首先提出了脑外科立体定向的概念来达到高精度的手术切除。第一个用于立体定向放射外科的系统使用千伏级X线作为放射源,其设备比较原始。但是,随着开发出第一个原型伽玛刀系统(1968年安装在Karolinska),成功实施了高精度、高度聚焦的立体定向放射治疗。
